光華商場 最新最快的光華商場電腦報價 行情表

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我想請問一下有關軟硬體衝突的問題@@ 我這台電腦是新的 買不到1個月 常常出現警告有關記憶體的問題 另外最嚴重的就是"衝突" 常常當機變成 籃底白字 的畫面 我把英文給人家看 是有關衝突的問題 請問有人能幫解答嘛!? 感謝!!!! Check to make sure any new hardware or software is properly installed. If this is a new installation. ask your hardwareor software manufacturer for any windows updates you might need. Run the driver verifier against any new(or suspect) drivers. If that doesn't reveal the corrupting driver,try enabling special pool. Both of these feutures are intended to catch the corruption at an earlier point where the offending driver can be identified. If you meed to use safe Mode to remove or disable components,restart your computer,press F8to select Advanced startup options,and then select safe Mode. If this is the first time you're seen this stop error screen,restart your computer. If this screen appears again,follow these steps. If problems continue,disable or remove any newly installed harware or software. Disable BIOS memory options,such as caching or shadowing. stop:0x000000C5 (0x00000004,0x00000002,0x00000001,0x8054C1FA) 電腦規格 處理器:AMD 7750 2核心 主機板:技嘉 MA770-Ud3高規主機板/支援四核心 顯示卡:華碩 9800GT 512MB DDR3 記憶體:創見 2Gx2 DDR2-800 硬碟: SEAGEAT 500G 7200RPM SATAII 16M/ 電源: 鴻海 500足W 12公分靜音風扇/穩壓足W 燒錄機:先鋒 217bk
1.可能是由於您的電腦主機內有新的設備,並未安裝正確或者相容於WINDOWS XP的驅 動程式所致 建議您可以將您的新設備拆下後,繼續使用電腦看看是否仍繼續出現此問題,若拆下後此問題也解決則可確定是新設備的因素,建議可藉由更新驅動程式來解決此問題

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請重新安裝您的作業系統! 這是您系統沒有灌好造成! 別裝整合版XP .找乾淨沒附加功能XP安裝!需要額外軟體再依需求裝!

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